The recent development of tumescent liposuction has allowed plastic surgeons a means to remove excess fat though tiny incision that do not leave behind the significant, visible scars of the traditional liposuction of years past. The Tumescent Liposuction is performed first using a dilute local anesthetic that is infiltrated into the area to be treated. Then, using a thin metal tube, called a cannula, the fat cells are extracted out. Dr. Massey has helped hundred of Santa Monica area patients achieve their body contouring results through Santa Monica Tumescent Liposuction. Safety is the Dr. Massey’s top priority with any procedure he offers and in a recent study of over 15,000 patients treated with tumescent liposuction there was not a single serious complication. Here at Cosmetic Surgery Center of Santa Monica we adhere to the highest possible safety standards, are a federally certified surgical center, and use only the latest state-of-the-art equipment.

Tumescent Liposuction is not a weight loss treatment, but rather a way to improve a singular area of stubborn fat and improve your overall body contour. Not everyone may be an ideal candidate for Santa Monica Tumescent Liposuction, the best candidates are in good shape with a distinct area of localized fat. Both men and women of varying ages may benefit from Santa Monica Tumescent Liposuction which can be performed on virtually any area of the body from the neck and joss to the abdomen and love-handles. To find out if it may be right for you, contact our office to schedule your confidential consultation with Dr. Massey today.