
Category Archives: Plastic Surgery

Aspirin May Improve Melanoma Survival

Previous research has suggested a potential cancer prevention benefit from daily aspirin. This new study suggests that in some patients with melanomas taking a daily aspirin may improve their overall survival. Further research is needed to confirm these findings and better elucidate who will benefit and what is the mechanism of the improved overall survival. […]

Military Personnel at Greater Risk for Skin Cancer

Both active duty and veteran military personnel have a greater risk of both melanoma and none melanoma skin cancer compared with the civilian population. Air Force seemed to be the highest risk as well as those who served in the tropics or who were prisoners of war. If you are or have been in the […]

​The Importance of Time from Diagnosis to Treatment in Melanoma​

A diagnosis of cancer is always worrying and stressful. Patients will generally feel an need for urgent treatment just to get rid of it as soon as possible. For many skin cancers such urgency is not vital, however a new study from the Cleveland Clinic suggests that for melanoma, treatment should be within 30 days […]

Facial Workout

A small pilot study suggests that daily facial exercises may make you look younger. In this study 27 women aged 40 to 65 were given an exercise regimen for their facial muscles that they were to do every day for a total of 20 weeks. Of the 27 who started only 16 completed the program, […]

Mohs for the Elderly

A retrospective review of 488 patients aged 85 or older presenting for nonmelanoma skin cancer management was performed (1999–2014). Patients undergoing Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) had a mean age of death of 93.5 years (older than the national average of 76.1 and 81.2 years, males and females, respectively). Patients who underwent MMS survived a median […]

Diabetic Medication May Protect Against Skin Cancer

A recent study from Taiwan suggests that diabetic patients who are treated with “metformin” had a lower risk of skin cancer than would have been expected. Further studies are needed to confirm and explain these findings but the authors suggest if you are diabetic and at high risk for skin cancer you should consider metformin […]

Young Women at Greatest Risk for Melanoma

Female gender is an independent risk factor for melanoma diagnosed under 44 years old. However after 45 years of age, there appears to be a protective role of female gender against UV-associated melanoma risk. Where you live is also an important risk factor. The higher the Ultra-Violet Index (UVI) the greater the risk for melanoma. […]

Meds that keep your pressure down may be increasing your skin cancer risk!

One particular blood pressure medication has been shown to increased risk of both squamous and basal cell cancer. Long term use of Hydrochlorothiazide, (which is a diuretic commonly used to treat hypertension) has been shown to significantly increase your risk of skin cancer. No other anti-hypertensive medications showed the same association. If you are at […]

Its All In The Genes!!

Why do some people’s skin look younger? A molecular study of women of various ages suggests its all in the genes.The gene expression patterns of skin biopsies from the subset of women who were younger-appearing were similar to those in women who were actually younger. While older appearing women had more of the molecular and […]

Education Helps!

A group if NCAA athletes were studied regarding sun protective practices, both before and after sun protection education to students, coaches and trainers. The student athletes increased their sun protective practices significantly. A little education now may have great benefits latter in life! Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology Promoting Sunscreen Use and Sun-Protective […]

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